Showing posts with label Lilaclady Junebug2/June Estelle Cash -Walking by faith - I keep climbing/Come Journey with Me - KJV Bible - God's Holy Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lilaclady Junebug2/June Estelle Cash -Walking by faith - I keep climbing/Come Journey with Me - KJV Bible - God's Holy Word. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

THE WAYS OF GOD - VISION, DEATH OF A VISION, GOD'S FULFILLMENT -Sermon outline -Wm Henry Cash Jr (1927 - 2012 - Lilaclady Junebug2





Sermon THE WAYS OF GOD .docx

June Estelle Cash

Bibleladyjunebugcash - web author 

Lilaclady junebug2 - Google_Blogger

  ( Typed up by June Estelle Cash 

         Sept 2, 2024) 


   Wm. Henry Cash, Jr (1927 – 2012)  

    Date preached – July 31,  


   BIBLE TEXT:   Psalms 103.  7 – 14 

7. He made known his ways unto Moses,

his  acts unto the children of Israel.   

8.The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger

and plenteous in mercy. 

9.He will not always chide: neither will he

keep his anger for ever. 

10. He hath not dealt with us

after our sins; nor rewarded us according

to our iniquities. 

11.For as the heaven is high

above the earth, so great

is his mercy toward them

that fear him.   

12. As far as the east

is from the west, so far hath he

removed our transgressions from us.  

13. Like as a father pitieth

his children, so the LORD

pitieth them that fear him. 

13/ For he knoweth our frame;

he remembereth that we are  dust.  

INTRODUCTION:  God wants to do great

things for us.  

We are to follow the ways of the LORD

according to Scriptural principles

if we want God to bless us and

use us for His glory.  

God has often given

us a vision

to do something great.

  Discouragement comes along and

our vision dies.   Very often

during the death of our vision,

we are tempted to follow

unscriptural methods. 

When we follow

the ways of the LORD,

we can expect Him

to supernaturally fulfill

the vision that He gave to us.   

THEME:  We can expect results

when we follow God’s ways.   


  some Scriptural illustrations of this truth.

   I.  ABRAHAM  

  A. Abraham had a vision of being a  

           father of a great nation.    

Genesis 12. 1 – 3.  

12.1  Now the LORD had said

unto Abram, Get thee out of thy

country, and from thy kindred,

and from thy father’s house,

unto a land that I will shew thee: 

12.2  And I will make

of thee a great nation, and

I will bless thee, and

make thy name great; and

thou shalt be a blessing.  

12.3 And I will bless them

that bless thee,

and curse him that curseth thee,

and in thee shall all the

families of the earth be blessed.   

 This is illustrates Faith to us

as Abraham obeys God.  

Hebrews 11.8 - 10

Hebrews 11. 8   By faith Abraham, when

he was called to go out

into a place which he should after receive

for an inheritance, obeyed,

and he went out, not knowing

whither he went. 

Hebrews 11. 9  By faith he sojourned

in the land of promise,

as in a strange country,

dwelling in tabernacles

with Isaac and Jacob,

the heirs with him

of the same promise: 

11.10  For he looked for a city

which hath foundations,

whose builder and maker is God.   

 B. Death of a Vision -

  Sarah was barren

and too old to have a child.   

Genesis 16.1 

 Genesis 17. 15 - 19 


    1. God has a need for us

to have a Death

of a Vision so that

He can illustrate His Ways to us.    

Psalm 95.10  Forty years

was I grieved with this

generation, and said,

It is a people that do err in their

heart, and they have

not known my ways.    

 2. Death of a Vision means HOPE:


and expecting God

to work out His revealed Will

to us when

it seems humanly impossible. 

C. We must consider

Satan’s building program

during the Death of a Vision.  

     1. Satan tempts us to work
in the energy of the flesh

– doing it “my way”
instead of God’s way.

II Corinthians 11.14
God tells us    “Satan himself
is transformed into an angel of light.”
Choosing to do
something because I want it –
no matter
how good it seems – is still not God’s Way.  
2. This is pictured to us as an illustration
– through the birth of Ishmael
to Hagar and the conflict that came
as a result of not following God’s ways. 

and Sarah

were learning a big lesson. 


Genesis 16. 1  Now Sar-a-i Abram’s

wife bare him no children:

and she had an handmaid,

an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar. 

Genesis 17.15  And God said unto Abraham, as

for Sar-a-i thy wife, thou shalt not

call her Sarai,

but Sarah,  but Sarah shall her name be.  

Genesis 17.16  And I will bless her

and give thee a son also of her: 

yea, I will bless her, and she shall be

a mother of nations; kings of people

shall be of her.  

17.17   Then Abraham fell upon his

face, and laughed, and

said in his heart,

Shall a child be born to him

that is an hundred years old?

And shall Sarah, that is

ninety years old, bear?  

17.18  And Abraham said unto God, O that  

Ishmael might

live before thee! 

17.19   And God said, Sarah thy wife

shall bear thee a son indeed;

and thou shalt call

his name Isaac:

(which means in Hebrew - Laughter)

and I will establish a

covenant with him for

an everlasting covenant

and with his seed after him. 





      1.   God gave Abraham and Sarah a son

in their old age.  

Genesis 21.1 - 3  

Genesis 21. 1   And the LORD

visited Sarah as he had said:

and the LORD

did unto Sarah

as he had spoken. 

Genesis 21.  2 For Sarah conceived,

and bare Abraham a son

in his old age, at the set time

of which God had spoken to him. 

Genesis 21. 3  And Abraham

called the name of his son that

was born unto him, whom

Sarah bare to him,  Isaac.    

  2. This reveals God’s LOVE –

Divine Love reproduces

His character in us.    


Notice -Joseph also

was born of a Barren Woman – Rachel.  


  That he would be a great leader, and

that others would

bow down to him.  

God gave him the dreams –

and he received it.   


         Genesis 37. 1 – 11    

Genesis 37. 1  And Jacob dwelt

in the land wherein his father

was stranger, in the land of Canaan.  

37. 2  These are the generations

of Jacob.   Joseph being seventeen

years old, was feeding

the flock with his brethren,

and the lad was

with the sons of Bilhah,

and with the sons of Zilpah,

his father’s wives;

and Joseph brought unto his

father their evil report.  

37. 3  Now Israel loved Joseph more

than all his children, because

he was the son of his old age:

and he made him a

coat of many colors.  

37. 4  And when his brethren saw

that their father

loved him more than all

his brethren, they

hated him,

and could not speak

peacably unto him.  

37. 5   And Joseph dreamed a dream,

and he told it his brethren;

and they hated him yet the more.  

37. 6   And he said unto them,

Hear,, I pray thee, this

dream which I have dreamed: 

37. 7 For, behold,

we were binding sheaves in the

field, and lo, my sheaf arose,

and, behold,

your sheaves stood

around about, and

made obeisance to my sheaf. 

37. 8   And his brethren said to him,

Shalt thou indeed reign over us? 

for shalt thou indeed have

dominion over us?

And they hated him yet

the more for his dreams.   

37. 9  And he dreamed yet

another dream,

and told it his brethren,

and said, Behold,

I have dreamed a

dream more; and,

behold, the sun and the moon

and the eleven stars

made obeisance to me.   

37.10  And he told it to his father,

and to his brethren:

and his father rebuked him,

What is this dream that thou hast


Shall I and thy mother

and thy brethren come to bow down

ourselves to thee to the earth?  

37.11  And his brothers envied him,

but his father observed the saying.   

(Tent - Tabernacle - Place of Dwelling)

B. Death of the Vision  

1.   He was sold as a slave in Egypt.  

              Genesis 37. 27 - 28 

Genesis 37.27  Come let us sell him to the Ishmaelites,

and let not our hand be upon him;

for he is our brother and our flesh.

And his brethren were content.   

37.28  Then there p

by Midianites merchantment;

and they drew and life up Joseph

out of the pit, and sold

Joseph to the Ishmaelites

for twenty pieces of silver:

and they brought

Joseph into Egypt.   

        2. He was later accused falsely

and put into prison.  

Genesis 39. 6 – 23    

Genesis 39.  6   And he left all that he

had in Joseph’s hand; and he knew not

what he had, save the bread

which he did eat.  And Joseph

was a goodly person, and well favored. 

39. 7  And it came to pass after these

things, that his master’s wife

cast her eyes upon Joseph;

and she said, Lie with me. 

39. 8 But he refused, and said

unto his master’s wife, 

Behold, my master wotteth not

what is with me in the house, and he hath

committed all that he hath to my hand.  

39.  9 There is none greater in this house

than I; neither hath he kept back anything

from me but thee,  because

thou art his wife: how then

can I do this great wickedness,

and sin against God?    

39.10   And it came to pass as

she spake to Joseph day by day,

that he hearkened not unto her,

to lie with her, or to be with her.   

39.11 And it came to pass about this time,

that Joseph went into the house

to do his busines; and there was none

of the men of the house there within.  

39.12 And she caught him by

his garment, saying, Lie with me:

and he left his garment in her hand,

and fled, and got out.   

39.13  And it came to pass,

when she saw that he had left his

garment in her hand, and was fled forth,  

39.14  Then she called unto the men

of her house,

and spake unto them, saying, See,

he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to

mock us, he came unto me

to lie with me, and I cried

with a loud voice: 

39.15  And it came to pass when

he heard that I lifted up my voice

and cried,

that he left his garment with me,

and fled, and got him out.  

39.16  And she laid his garment by her,

until her lord came home.  

39.17  And she spake unto him, according

to these words, saying, This Hebrew servant,

which thou hast brought unto us,

came in unto me to mock me:  

39.18  And it came to pass,

when I lifted up my voice and cried,

then he left his garment with me,

and fled.  

39.19   And it came to pass, when the master

heard the words of his wife,

which she spake unto him, saying,

After this manner did thy servant unto me;

that his wrath was kindled.  

39.20   And Joseph’s master took him,

and put him into the prison,

a place where the king’s prisoners were bound:

and he was there in the prison.  

39.21   But the LORD was with Joseph,

and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour

in the sight of the keeper of the prison.  

39.22   And the keeper of the prison

committed to Joseph’s hand

all the prisoners that were in the prison,

and whatsoever they did there,

he was the doer of it.   

39. 23 The keeper of the

prison looked not

to any thing that

was under his hand;

because the LORD was with him,

and that which he did, the LORD

made it to prosper.   

    C. Temptation to yield to our own ways

instead of yielding to God.    

          1. Joseph could have yielded to Potiphar’s wife.    

             2. He could have exposed her or could have blamed her.  

D. The Supernatural Fulfillment of His Dream  

    1. He was allowed to interpret
the dreams of the Butler, the Baker and later,
even the Pharaoh of Egypt himself.  
      2. He became the Prime Minister of Egypt.  
         3.  Through Joseph, his father, his brothers
and the nation of Israel was saved.  For this
look at Genesis 42 - 50 chapters.        


           A. THE VISION – The vision of establishing

and being a part of the Kingdom of God.  

Matthew 6.33    Luke 5.10  

The time is fulfilled; and the Kingdom'

of God is at hand;

        Repent, and believe ye the Gospel.

Mark 1.15

At first they dreamed of the Kingdom –

but they discovered Jesus telling them

that to Follow Him was to

leave everything else.    

       Again and again,

He prepared them  

                Taught them  

                  Telling thom I will be taken  

                           Handed over to the Gentiles 

                               Suffer and die,

  and be buried and

will rise the third day     

                      When he died, their vision seemed robbed

of all they had wanted. 

When they saw He was gone

they remembered His words,

but they were so sas,

they forgot he said,

I will rise on the third day .

But They were mourning Jesus

and waited together in the Upper Room.

  Who Else

but Jesus showed Himself in that room?

             Consider that The Temptation we face today  

      Is when our VISION dies – to  

                  Give in  

                          Give up  

                                   Give out.   

             On the contrary we Have a God

who has told us  “If ye abide in me, and my words

abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will,

and it shall be done.   John 15. 7    

                The LORD JESUS CHRIST arose

from the Grave and conquered Death itself,

and has defeated the devil’s power,

and we need to realize that as

we walk in the ways of God

we can too like

Abraham, Moses, Joseph and the Disciples

find God’s Supernatural ability

and His Divine Love Mercy and Grace

to place us in the center of His Will

fully finding

He will keep His promises to us.  

                     I John 5. 4 

                      And this is the victory that overcometh

              The world - even our faith.    

                       Jesus said He will come again to take us to Himself 

                         That where He is we may be also


God's Fulfillments

1. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
I Cor 15. 1 - 10
Eyewitnesses more than 500

2. The Miraculous writing of the New
Testament as the Disciples
Apply the scriptural principles
they learned from
Jesus Christ himself
passing it on
to others

3. The Promise I will Return
to take you to myself
John 14. 1 - 3
I Thessalonians 4.13 - 18 4

4, The Signs of His Coming
for the Second Coming to Earth
but until
He returns for His Bride
the Church
The tribulation
will start
The Holy Spirit
us all
to Him
when we are gone
And the
Holy Spirit has taken
then EVIL
such as we never
saw before
will be loosed
by simple
will any one
to God
in that time
we will
face death
as soon as we
the LORD
Anti-christ will be the
opposite of
every thing
of God.

I Thessalonians 5.9 - 10
9. For God hath not appointed
us to wrath, but
to obtain salvation
by our
Lord Jesus Christ,
10. who died for us
that whether we
wake or sleep
we should
with Him.

If we receive God’s Ways

instead of our own.   
             The Fulfillment of a VISION

                Not our self effort.   
                               Genesis 50.18 - 20
                    “18.  And his brethren

also went, and fell down

before his face; and they said,

Behold, we be thy servants.  

19. And Joseph said unto them,

Fear not,

for am I in the place of God? 

20.  But as for you,

you thought evil against me,

but God meant

it unto good, to bring to

pass as it is this day,

to save much people alive. “   
               This is much like Romans 8. 28

and 29 tells us 
   And we know that

all things work together for  good

to those that love God,

to them that are the called according

to his purpose. For whom he did

foreknow he also did predestinate

to be conformed to the

image of his Son, that he might be

the firstborn

among many brethren.