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Come Journey With MeLooking for Christ to ComeI Keep Walking by FaithKnowing Our God Is Faithful
To Keep His Promises
A little cottage in Eastham MAwas my Great Grandparentshomewhile they wereyoung and just married.Eastham is in Cape Codclose to Maine.
So you see,a LIGHTHOUSEI drew here is a picture of what Goddoes to help us find Him
And how is that?
In all the sin and hurtand painof today's worldGod still has the answer for usif we just lookfor the LIGHT
For God so loved the worldthat He gave His only
begotten Sonthat who so ever believeth on himshould not perish,but have everlastingLIFE.
Jesus gave usthis when he spoketo Nicodemus.
As Moses lifted upthe serpent in the wildernesseven so must the Son of man be lifted upthat who so everbelieveth in Himmight have eternal life.John 3.14
Even my little doggie BINGO who was a scaly wagmade a trip with usin 1987So as I launchmy WebsiteI want you to knowthat if a little doggiecan make a trip you can also.
Come Journey With MeJesus is Coming SoonIt may be nightIt may be noonbutit will be soon.And if He comeswill you be left behind?
Don't delay.Come and SeeWho God really isand that He Has Provided A WAY through His Sonto Life EternalLife Everlasting
Here I was in1940I was 7 yearsmy little brother was 4and this was myMother, Dad,andGrandparentswith my mother'ssisters andmy Aunt Althea's husband Harold.What a treasure I have to shareof my lifeand my lovesand what God did for meHe will do for youif you just trust Him.
From one ocean to the other,I have lived my life.This Website will be a wayI can share with you.
Christ has first placein my life. In this Website and in this BlogI will first and foremostgive God the gloryfor His Grace andMercy for this lady,a sinner saved by faiththrough Grace.
John 1.12 But as many as received him, to them gave he powerto become the Sons of Godeven to themthat believeon his name.John 1.12
My motherVida May Carpenterand my brotherHarry Hunter Donatowith me 1940I was 7 my brother was 4I give to you my promiseI will tell the truthand speak only what honorsGod I stand on the word of God the King James Versionof the Holy Bible.
Trees of the Redwoodsshow forth God's creationto us.We need to heed his callto look and liveput down your rootsintoGod's WordandTrust Him forHe Is WorthyHe is AbleHe is willingto Seekand to Save.
Jesus said The Son of man is come to seek and to save which was lost.Luke 19.10As the season come and goThe Birds migrate.We are passing through this lifeonly onceandwe oughtto lay hold onthe truththat Jesus Christis the Way, the Truthand the Life, --no one can come to the Father except by Jesus Christ.
John 14.6 I am the way, the truthand the Life,No man cometh untothe Fatherbut by me.
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To Keep His Promises
begotten Son