Showing posts with label FAITH - A POEM by June Estelle Cash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAITH - A POEM by June Estelle Cash. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2024

FAITH - A POEM by June Estelle (Donato) Cash - WALKING BY FAITH - GOD LEADS ME ON - LILACLADY JUNEBUG2 -bibleladyjunebugcash


FAITH - A POEM by June Estelle (Donato) Cash -

F A I T H 
                          Faith it is that sees the far horizon
                          That bent beneath the load of care
                           Yet waits, looking for the 
                            Answer to its prayer. 

                            Through Faith it is that we can see
                             Through numerous tears 
                              And laugh with joy to trust 
                              His promise to His dear
                               Beloved ones. 

                               Faith it is that sees the far horizon:
                               Yes, bend beneath the load of care
                                We wait, looking for His 
                                 Answer to our prayer. 

                                Yet Faith it is that gives us peace
                                 Within while midst the fears, 
                                  We work and walk aright with ease
                                  He is our Peace, and 
                                  He answers prayer.  

                                  Ephesians 1.2  Grace to you, and peace
                          from God our Father
                and the Lord 
                                     Jesus Christ.

A Lighthouse among 
I give to you 
thought -
seeing the LIGHT 
that shines in the 
hope is all gone.

Jesus Christ 
"The Son of man is come
to seek 
and to save
which was lost. 
Luke 19.10

Jesus Christ our Lord
stated to Nicodemus
John 3.3 
Verily, Verily, I say unto thee,
except a man be born
again, he cannot
see the 
kingdom of God. 

Again, Jesus said
As Moses lifted up the 
serpent in the wilderness,
even so must the Son
of man be lifted up.
John 3.14 

So then, he declares,
John 3.15 
That whosoever believeth
in him
should not perish, 
but have eternal life.
John 3. 16
For God so loved 
the world
that He gave his 
only begotten Son
that whosoever 
believeth in him
should not perish
but have
everlasting life.
John 3.16

So there you have it.

Hebrews tells us 
Faith is the substance 
of things 
hoped for,
and the evidence 
of things not seen.
Hebrews 11.1 

Jesus said 
Matthew 7.7, 8
Ask, and it shall be 
given you;
seek, and ye shall find; 
knock and it shall be
opened unto you;
for everyone that asketh
receiveth;  and 
he that seeketh, findeth; 
and to him
that knocketh, 
it shall be opened. 
Matthew 7.7,8 

                                     As I remember my husband
                                William Henry Cash, Jr (1927 - 2012)
                                 I want you to know, His faith was 
                                  a marvel to me, as a Christian, 
                                  as my husband, and as my Pastor, 
                                   and we journeyed together.
                             I wrote that poem above - before 
                                we married, and it still stands 
                                   as a token of what F A I T H 
                                  is and how we can live it, 
                                   listening to the Holy Spirit,
                                   who shows us what The Word
                                     (KJV) Bible tells us, and 
                                   The Father leads us on 
                                    by drawing us near to 
                                    Himself as our Peace 
                                     in this world of 
                                      toil and trouble.

Come Journey With Me -
Walking by faith I keep Climbing

Hebrews 11.10
On speaking of
For he looked for
a City 
which hath
builder and maker
is God. 

Come Journey With Me